The meeting point for the descents is at 9.00 a.m. at the canyon base in Val Bodengo.
For the Bodengo 2 route at 12.45pm, also at the base in Val Bodengo. Look for 'canyoning val bodengo' on google maps. 
From Milan to Gordona there are 107 km, 1 hour and 30 minutes by car. To drive up to the Val Bodengo you need a vignette, which costs 6 euros per vehicle. You can buy it at the Bar San Martino in Gordona, near the church, or online at valbodengo.shop

Bring with you a swimsuit, a big towel, eventually a t-shirt to put under the neoprene suit. We provide: canyoning shoes, complete wetsuit 5,5 mm with hood and socks, certified helmet and harness.
You can use your normal glasses but it's better to tie them with a sportcord. Contact lenses are better, you only need to close your eyes underwater because they can shift.
They are never mandatory and you can always use the rope to pass the obstacle. You should be able to swim, the wetsuits helps floating. For teenagers a parent must be present. Minimum age is 10 years old.